m5n.16xlarge by Amazon Web Services

General description

Balance of compute, memory, and network resources with AMD.

Elastic Compute Cloud
General Purpose
Virtual machine
262144 MB
Root volume size
Max bandwidth
75000 Mbps


Zone Hourly Monthly Yearly
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 4.672 2148.0 25781.0
EU (Frankfurt) 4.512 2075.0 24905.0
EU (Ireland) 4.256 1957.0 23486.0
US East (N. Virginia) 3.808 1751.0 21015.0
US East (Ohio) 3.808 1751.0 21015.0
US West (Oregon) 3.808 1751.0 21015.0
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 4.896 2251.0 27016.0
Zone Hourly Monthly Yearly
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 5.363 2654.0 31843.0
EU (Frankfurt) 6.099 3234.0 38807.0
EU (Ireland) 4.947 2462.0 29539.0
US East (N. Virginia) 4.499 2256.0 27068.0
US East (Ohio) 5.395 2910.0 34917.0
US West (Oregon) 4.499 2256.0 27068.0
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 6.483 3411.0 40927.0
Zone Hourly Monthly Yearly
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 5.021 2295.0 27541.0
Zone Hourly Monthly Yearly
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 7.616 4298.0 51570.0
EU (Frankfurt) 7.456 4225.0 50694.0
EU (Ireland) 7.200 4106.0 49275.0
US East (N. Virginia) 6.752 3900.0 46805.0
US East (Ohio) 6.752 3900.0 46805.0
US West (Oregon) 6.752 3900.0 46805.0
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) 7.840 4400.0 52805.0

Pricing in USD. Monthly is calculated from "hourly" . Yearly is calculated from "Yearly no upfront" .

CPU specification(s)

CPU specification hasn't been collected for this product. Make a request for it