2x vCPU by Genesis Cloud
Bandwidth testing are conducted with local and block storages attached to the instance. We use the well-known open-source tool FIO. To express bandwidth the following parameters are used:
- 1M block
- Sequential access
- No filesystem (except for write access with root volume)
- Avoidance of cache and buffer
3.9 GB
80 GB
Root amdepyc
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Read | Write | |
Max | 81523 | |
Average | 64427 | |
Deviation | 17625.72 | |
Min | 31432 |
Root amdepyc
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Read | Write | |
Max | 58317 | 23190 |
Average | 50815 | 17258 |
Deviation | 7858.12 | 3794.54 |
Min | 31831 | 10464 |