
CloudFerro provides cost effective, open-source-based IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) services in public, private or hybrid cloud model customized to users’ needs.

We deliver and operate cloud computing platforms for specialized market segments such as the European space sector, climate research and science. Our broad experience in storing and processing big data sets includes multipetabyte repositories of Earth Observation satellite data.

Values for CloudFerro customers:

  • Cost-effective, open-source-based, flexible cloud solutions
  • Over 23 petabytes of Earth Observation satellite data available free of charge in a public cloud repository
  • Extensive range of additional services
  • Dedicated local technical support located in Europe – premium support at no extra charge
  • High data security standards – all data centres located in Europe, subject to European legislation
  • Scientific projects can be eligible for OCRE funding of cloud services

CloudFerro public clouds let you launch a Virtual Machine in a smooth and dynamic manner and store your data in a highly secure environment. Our users can fulfil their full potential thanks to the transparency, ease of operation, and clarity of our cloud services.

CloudFerro has been trusted by leading European firms and scientific institutions from various big-data-processing market sectors, including the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Mercator Ocean International, German Aerospace Centre (DLR), the EGI and many others. CloudFerro, as one of the first companies from Poland, is engaged in the GAIA-X – the European Society for Data and Cloud

CloudFerro's logo


CloudFerro has 2 zones(s) in 1 countries:

  • Europe
  • North America
  • South America
  • Central America
  • Asia
  • Africa
  • Russia
  • Pacific


1 object storage(s):


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