VM.Standard.E3.Flex.6-12 by Oracle Cloud

I/O rate testing are conducted with local and block storages attached to the instance. We use the well-known open-source tool FIO. To express IOPS the following parameters are used:

  • 4K block
  • Random access
  • No filesystem (except for write access with root volume)
  • Avoidance of cache and buffer
12.0 GB
6000 Mbps

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Read Write
Max 26430 26104
Average 25661 25685
Deviation 132.05 94.41
Min 25521 25528

Root VM.Standard.E3.Flex

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Read Write
Max 3240 2318
Average 3083 2072
Deviation 28.75 137.13
Min 3050 1786

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