Standard_NC24ads_A100_v4 by Microsoft Azure

General description

Powered by the NVIDIA A100

Virtual Machines
Virtual machine
225280 MB
1 A100 80GB
Root volume size
Extra volume size
1x 64 GB N/A
Max bandwidth
20000 Mbps


Zone Hourly Monthly Yearly
Central India 5.142 2454.0 29442.0
Korea Central 4.959 2366.0 28391.0
Southeast Asia 4.775 2278.0 27340.0
France Central 4.591 2191.0 26289.0
Germany West Central 4.775 2278.0 27340.0
Italy North 4.775 2278.0 27340.0
North Europe 4.408 2103.0 25238.0
Poland Central 5.250 2505.0 30064.0
Sweden Central 4.775 2278.0 27340.0
Switzerland North 5.252 2506.0 30073.0
Zone Hourly Monthly Yearly
Central India 6.246 4560.0 54715.0
Korea Central 6.063 4426.0 53112.0
Southeast Asia 5.879 4292.0 51500.0
France Central 5.695 4157.0 49888.0
Germany West Central 5.879 4292.0 51500.0
Italy North 5.879 4292.0 51500.0
North Europe 5.512 4024.0 48285.0
Poland Central 6.354 4638.0 55661.0
Sweden Central 5.879 4292.0 51500.0
Switzerland North 6.356 4640.0 55679.0

Pricing in USD. Monthly is calculated from "hourly" . Yearly is calculated from "Yearly no upfront" "hourly" .

CPU specification(s)

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GPU specification(s)

GPU specification hasn't been collected for this product. Make a request for it

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