Standard_D64ads_v5 by Microsoft Azure

General description

AMD's 3rd Generation EPYCTM 7763v processor in a multi-threaded configuration with up to 256 MB L3 cache, increasing customer options for running their general purpose workloads.

Virtual Machines
General Purpose
Virtual machine
262144 MB
Root volume size
Extra volume size
1x 2400 GB N/A


Zone Hourly Monthly Yearly
South Africa North 4.400 1413.0 16959.0
Central India 2.147 690.0 8278.0
East Asia 4.544 1459.0 17511.0
Israel Central 4.061 1305.0 15654.0
Jio India West 5.091 3716.0 44597.0
Korea Central 4.064 1305.0 15663.0
Korea South 6.734 1218.0 14612.0
South India 4.647 1493.0 17914.0
Southeast Asia 4.128 1778.0 21339.0
UAE North 4.061 1305.0 15654.0
Zone Hourly Monthly Yearly
South Africa North 7.344 5361.0 64333.0
Central India 5.091 3716.0 44597.0
East Asia 7.488 5466.0 65595.0
Israel Central 7.005 5114.0 61364.0
Jio India West 5.091 3716.0 44597.0
Korea Central 7.008 5116.0 61390.0
Korea South 6.734 4916.0 58990.0
South India 7.591 5541.0 66497.0
Southeast Asia 7.072 5163.0 61951.0
UAE North 7.005 5114.0 61364.0

Pricing in USD. Monthly is calculated from "hourly" . Yearly is calculated from "Yearly no upfront" "hourly" .

CPU specification(s)

CPU specification hasn't been collected for this product. Make a request for it