inf1.24xlarge by Amazon Web Services

General description

High performance and the lowest cost machine learning inference in the cloud

Elastic Compute Cloud
Virtual machine
196608 MB
Root volume size
Max bandwidth
100000 Mbps


Zone Hourly Monthly Yearly
Africa (Cape Town) 6.249 2874.0 34488.0
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) 7.274 3346.0 40147.0
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 4.965 2283.0 27401.0
Asia Pacific (Seoul) 5.812 2673.0 32070.0
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 6.376 2932.0 35189.0
China (Beijing) None None
Middle East (Bahrain) 5.786 2883.0 34593.0
EU (Frankfurt) 5.902 2714.0 32570.0
EU (Ireland) 5.260 2419.0 29031.0
EU (London) 5.530 2543.0 30520.0
Zone Hourly Monthly Yearly
Africa (Cape Town) 8.630 4612.0 55346.0
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) 9.655 5084.0 61005.0
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 6.002 3040.0 36485.0
Asia Pacific (Seoul) 8.193 4411.0 52928.0
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 8.757 4671.0 56046.0
China (Beijing) None None
Middle East (Bahrain) 8.167 4621.0 55451.0
EU (Frankfurt) 8.282 4452.0 53427.0
EU (Ireland) 6.297 3176.0 38115.0
EU (London) 6.566 3300.0 39595.0
Zone Hourly Monthly Yearly
Africa (Cape Town) 6.374 2918.0 35014.0
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) 7.399 3389.0 40673.0
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) 5.090 2327.0 27927.0
Asia Pacific (Seoul) 5.937 2716.0 32596.0
Asia Pacific (Singapore) 6.501 2976.0 35715.0
China (Beijing) None None
Middle East (Bahrain) 5.911 2927.0 35119.0
EU (Frankfurt) 6.027 2758.0 33095.0
EU (Ireland) 5.385 2463.0 29556.0
EU (London) 5.655 2587.0 31045.0

Pricing in USD. Monthly is calculated from "hourly" . Yearly is calculated from "Yearly no upfront" .

CPU specification(s)

CPU specification hasn't been collected for this product. Make a request for it

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