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GPU Cloud

Train the most demanding AI, ML, and Deep Learning models. Scale from a single machine to an entire fleet of VMs with a few clicks.


GPU Cloud has the following traits:

  • CPU

    From 26 to 240 CPUs
  • x86 architecture

  • arm architecture

  • RAM

    From 204800 to 1843200 MB
  • GPU

    From 1 to 8 GPUs
  • Bare metals

  • Virtual machines

  • Maximum network bandwidth



Here's GPU Cloud's characteristics:

  • Block storage

    Detachable and on-demand virtual storage
  • Snapshot

    Storage save and restore
  • Network management

    Control of network, subnets or routes
  • Floating IP

    Virtual public IP addresses that can be assigned to a server
  • Public IPv4

    Public network manageable with IPv4
  • Public IPv6

    Public network manageable with IPv6
  • Private IPv4

    Private network manageable with IPv4
  • Private IPv6

    Private network manageable with IPv6
  • Marketplace

    Platform where users can browse and deploy pre-configured software applications
  • SSH management

    Store and assign SSH authentications
  • Autoscaling

    Automatically adjusts the number of resources based on triggers
  • Firewall

    Filters incoming and outgoing traffic, blocking unauthorized access based on predefined rules
  • Traffic cost pool

    Allows mutualization of network credits from all the instances
  • Monitoring

    Built-in system performance visualization.
  • Logging

    Built-in event and log visualization
  • Console

    VNC/IPMI Console is a remote access feature that provides direct, interactive access to an instance's console.

Pricing overview

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